
CMH Lahore Medical College ADMISSIONS 2013- 14

CMH Lahore Medical College and Institute of Dentistry ADMISSIONS 2013 — 14

Sale of Prospectus (Information about the College)

From iS Nov to 7 Nov 2013. Separate prospectuses have been printed for MBBS and BDS course. Prospectus with a specific Application Reference No. (ARN) will have to be collected from the College Admission Office, in person, from 0800 hours — 1600 hours. Admission Office will remain open on Saturday and Sunday i.e 2& 3 Nov 201 3.

UHS Entry Test

Candidates have to qualify UHS entry test for getting admission in CMH Lahore Medical College. Entry test of Federal Government and other Provinces is also acceptable.

Aptitude Test of the College

will be held on 9t November 2013 at 0800 hours at University of the Punjab Examination Halls, Wahdat Road, Lahore. In lieu of the “UHS / Provincial I Federal Entry Test and Aptitude Test of the College”, the candidate can pass SAT-Il examination with minimum 550 marks • in each of the three subjects of which two have to be Biology and Chemistry.

Application Forms

can be filled online (www.cmhlahore.edu.pk) by using specific Application Reference No. (ARN) given in the prospectus, or at the - college admission office from l’ Nov - Nov 2013.


Can be printed online between 1st to 7th Nov 2013 or the applicants/representatives will have to collect the ADMIT CARDs, bearing the applicant’s Aptitude Test Roll No. in person, from the College Admission Office before 7th Nov 2013 1600 hours. However the candidates competing for Army seats of W & R in MBBS / BDS course must collect their admit cards from the College Admission Office in person.

ADMITCARDswiII notbesentbyTCSlMail.

Result of the Aptitude Test

12th Nov 2013. Result can be viewed on our website (www.cmhlahore.edu.pk) by entering yourARN. Submission of Fee. Photocopies of Documents and Interview of the Selected Candidates will be undertaken from 14th Nov 2013 onwards only for selected candidate. Interview will have no effect on the merit. Selected candidates will bring along requisite fee pay order, photographs and photocopies of the required educational documents. Pay order! bank draft will be made in the name of CMH Lahore Medical College. The amount of fee for pay order and the detail of required documents is available in the Prospectus and on College website (www.cmhlahore.edu.pk). ;1


CMH Lahore Medical College Abdur Rehman Road. Lahore Cantt
Tel: +92..42-36605550-1 PASCOM: 32169
Website: www.crnhlahore.edu.pk; div>
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