
University Listing For M. Phil.

It is very much obvious that a degree from top ranked university is more valuable than the worth of a degree from lower rank university. Selection of a university to earn a professional degree is a mile stone of your future career. Your personal circumstances like available funds, time, location, family obligations, and past academic performance play significant role in selecting the institution. On other hand specific university requirements such as admission test score limit, time of comencement of the course, and span of study period affect its selection for futher qualification.

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Particular Discipline and Rank of University

No university is at top rank for all discipline, for example; LUMS Lahore and IBA Karachi are top ranked in Business Management but not in Engineering Sciences or Medical sciences similarly; UET and NUST are top ranked in Engineering sciences but not in Fine Arts or Social sciences. You can find the ranking of universities in Pakistan by HEC at

HEC Ranking of Universities

Should You Rely on Ranking?

The ranking provided by HEC is based on multiple factors and determined after a long time. During this time the situation of the institutions may change considerably. The faculty also changes over time. A top ranked university may not be top ranked in all displines or departments. Obviously, you cannot rely on the HEC ranking 100%. Some other factors must also be considered while selecting a university for futher studies after Master's degree.

Your Supervisor is a Key facotr

Who will be your supervisor is an important factor for reputation of your M. Phil or MS degree. You cannot deny the significance of institution and its ranking but weightage should be given to the supervisor. His track record as a supervisor, where from he/she has PhD degree are two factors to be weighted more.
A list of HEC approved supervisors:

HEC Supervisors List

NTS GAT General Score

Your score in GAT General is another factor which can limit your choices. You better past academic performance and higher score in GAT determine your ability to apply in some top ranked university. Though there is a biasness commonly found in many of the departments in universities that they prefer their own students for futher studies. Least priority is given to all other applicants. But your past academic performance and GAT score surpass their prejudence and your chances of being selected are increased. For detailed information and initial preparation.

Dual Test

Some reputed universities require more than one tests for the applicant to qualify. For example, LUMS besides GAT General (HEC requirement) also requires LGAT (their own test). Similarly some universities ask for GAT Subject or their own subject test along with GAT General. You must inquire the relevant department about the tests so that you may prepare them well in time.

M. Phil or MS are Full Time Study

If are in job private or public you are asked to apply through proper channel. You are also asked to take long study leave from the organization you are doing job or otherwise you'll have quit the job. However; some institutions or specially the supervisors may treat you liniently to some extent. Now it is up to you how much important is your job is to you. Each student has his/her specific obligations and priorities.

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