
The students

The main attraction of these madrassas is that they provide free food, shelter, clothes, medical aid and education to their students. A visit to any such institution reveals that students have come from from far off and different parts of the country but one factor is common to most of them. They all belong to poor homes and destitute famlies who could neither feed them properly nor meet the exorbitant costs of their school education and therefore they had to look for some alternative. Madrassas came to their rescue. The parents, the guardians put their sons, daughters and wards there and forgot all about them. The number of Madrassas in Pakistan at present is around 17000. Almost all of them remain full to capacity. They are scattered throughout the country but their main concentration is in the Tribal areas, Frontier region and north-western parts of Baluchistan. According to a modest estimate about 15 % of their strength  consists of orphans, a larger number comes from broken homes and the rest belong to parents who spend miserable lives far below the poverty line.

Since the state funds were not coming to their aid they had to pull on somehow independently. The obvious sources of their incomes were, and continues to be so, the generosity of individual and NGO philanthropists at home and from abroad, some foreign governments like Saudi Arabia and Gulf countries, the Pakistani emigrants but in some cases their financial support came from extremist militant organizations, local and foreign, which expected such madrassas to toe their line and remain prepared to indulge in acts of violence as commanded by them. The students of these institutions were denied all outside exposure and being entirely at the mercy of their benefactors, were their hostages who could be brainwashed easily and used as puppets in their sinister designs of promoting terror. The primary need therefore was that funding of the madrassas should be taken over by the state to free their students from the mental and physical bondage of the terrorist organizations.

Inside the Topic

Past, The students, The Madrassa environment, Teaching staff, Syllabi and courses of Study, The Head of the Institution, Present, Findings of a Survey Report, Future, The best, the worst, Deeni Madaris Poorman s Public Schools, Selection of the Principal, and others.