
Corruption and Its Solution

Literal meaning of Corruption is—moral perversion, depravity, perversion of integrity, corrupt or dishonest proceedings, bribery, debasement, rottenness, immorality, dishonesty etc. These attributes of corruption are present in our society and it will not be hyperbolic to say that ours is a fertile ground for corruption. It is a deep-rooted menace that has been eating into the very vitals of our society and rendering it all sapless, senseless and pestilence-stricken. It has kicked away all values of life and before it norms, rules and regulations, virtues, morality, honesty, up righteousness take a flight as pestilence stricken leaves fly away seeing the face of the west-wind. This evil of corruption has become a leviathan and it is still spreading its wings to cover and shadow all departments of life. Scandals, grafts, deception and their presiding queen have percolated down to social, economic, political, educational and even religious institutions. People accept it as granted and corruption with its impregnable power has bent even the mightiest. If somebody raises his voice against it he is laughed at openly and is called a fool of the first water. It is a contagious disease and it has stuck its poisonous fangs into the very veins of all departments of public and private life. People indulge in it without any qualms of conscience.