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Too Much of Money is The Root of Many Evils

It is a bitter truth that modern man has bartered his heart for money. In this materialistic world of cut-throat competition man is single-mindedly running after money and in this mad and blind pursuit he tramples underfoot all human values. Our scriptures and religious preachers do tell us not to run after money. The Bible says, “The love of money is the root of all evils. Christ says, “Sooner shall  a camel pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man enter the Kingdom of heaven. Daily. man sees his fellow beings gliding towards grave yet he warts to be immortal. Knowing very well that curtain of the drama of life falls with death and he can’t take his acquired wealth with him he is doing his utmost to acquire more and more His hunger for money remains insatiable and unfulfilled. The more he gets, the more he desires. He always pines for what is not, Man is a curious creature. Isn’t it? He always swears by God.  “Money is not God but it is not less than God”.

God of wealth

The world worships Mammon, God of wealth “Mammon, be thou my God”, is a universal prayer Ups of each and everybody twitter in this prayer incessantly Love of money knows no barriers, no boundaries, no limits, With lottery tickets in our pockets we visit temples and bend at the altar and pray to the Almighty to make us win lottery. We always want a lucky deal in speculation and be millionaires overnight. Books with such titles as “How to be a millionaire” sell like hot cakes Even Byron, a romantic to the hilt, said “Ready money is AIadin’s lamp”.

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