
Sentence Completion MCQ Set 1

sentence completion Set 1 contains 6 of total 66 sentence completion questions (MCQ) with answers. View the answer of each MCQ by clicking over the Show/Hide Answer or all answers at the bottom of the page. You can use these MCQs of sentence completion as a practice for the real exam or entrytest. Interactive Test

MCQ: 1

A child should not be ______ as being either very shy or over ______ aggressive.
  1. categorized
  2. instructed
  3. intoned
  4. distracted
  5. refrained

MCQ: 2

President Anwar el - Sadat of Egypt, disregarding ______ criticism in the Alab world and in his own Government, ______ accepted prime minister Menahem Begin's invitation to visit Israel in order to address the Israeli parliament.
  1. acrimonious - formally
  2. blemished - stiffly
  3. categorical - previously
  4. malignant - plaintively
  5. charismatic - meticulously

MCQ: 3

In his usual _____ manner, he had insured himself against this type of loss.
  1. pensive
  2. providential
  3. indifferent
  4. circumspect
  5. caustic

MCQ: 4

We never believed that he would resort to - in order to achieve his goal; we always regarded him as a ______ man.
  1. charm - insincere
  2. necromancy - pietistic
  3. logic - honorable
  4. prestidigitation - articulate
  5. subterfuge - honest

MCQ: 5

The Sociologist responded to the charge that her new theory was ______ by pointing out that it did not in fact contradict accepted sociological principles.
  1. unproven
  2. banal
  3. superficial
  4. complex
  5. hereticalt

MCQ: 6

Despite assorted effusion to the contrary, there is no necessary link between scientific skill and humanism, and quite possibly, there may be something of a _______ between them.
  1. dichotomy
  2. congruity
  3. reciprocity
  4. fusion
  5. generosity

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