
Variety is Life

Variety is the spice of life. Familiarity breeds contempt. We become indifferent to a thing if we see it in season and out of season. That thing becomes boring and loses its charm. It fails to stir our imagination and we yearn for a change. We always pine for something new. Second-hand things are cheaper and easily available but they soon lose their sheen and we clamour for something new. It is human nature, and if we snub this nature, it will be disastrous. Everything is in motion. Change is perpetual and ceaseless. Shakespeare admits this law of change when he says that there are seven different stages of man. Rousseau seconds him when he says—we do not remain two months in the same state. Change gives driving force to one and all. Life is because of change. All pervading law of change makes heart pulsate, flowers bloom, and buds blossom and birds sing songs. Matter and mind follow this universal and eternal law.