
Agricultural Engineering - Career options and opportunities

Agricultural engineers perform the noble job of integrating science & technology with agriculture by designing and manufacturing equipment & machines that are farmer friendly and make agriculture effective and efficient.

So, find out about the Agricultural Engineering Career options after 12th and graduation in India and abroad.

Learn what is Agricultural Engineering? What does an Agricultural Engineer do? potential job sector, salaries etc for them. Also, find out what do you need to do to become an Agricultural Scientist? Courses, specializations, eligibility, institutes offering this course in India and abroad, fee structure etc.

Discover the job responsibilities, career prospects and earning a potential of an Agricultural Economist. Learn about the advantages of becoming an Agricultural Economist. Also, covered is other important information like Indian and international colleges and institutes offering graduate and postgraduate courses in this domain, their admission processes, scope for research, eligibility criteria and their fee structure.

What does an agricultural engineer do?

What is agricultural engineering and if I become an agricultural engineer then what will I do?

It is a field that applies engineering science and technology to agricultural production and processing. It also includes the knowledge of animal biology, plant biology and mechanical, civil, electrical and chemical engineering with an understanding of agricultural principles. There are various tasks that an agricultural engineer may have to perform, some of them are planning, supervising and managing the day to day schemes made for drainage, flood and water control systems. They bring into relevant practice and assessment of agricultural products and their processing. Majority of agricultural engineers work for government agencies. Some are consultants in private engineering firms while others work in various different industries. Many others work in manufacturing firm of agricultural machinery, equipment and structures for storing crops.

Agricultural engineers work in marketing, sales and research department too. In a lay man’s language, an agricultural engineer is the one that repairs or modifies agricultural equipment or tools for production.

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