Chemistry for Test Preparation
Subject Chemistry is a major part of many general tests like NAT-IE, NAT-IM, and GAT as well as subject tests like ACT, GRE-Chemistry, GAT-Subject Chemistry, NAT-IIC. It relies on Chemistry concepts as well as the numerical skills to solve the MCQs. Text books are not effective for the preparation. Most of the questions on the test are of general chemistry concepts.
Practice Questions
At the end of each chapter, a prospect test taker finds practice questions for revision and application of the concepts.
Practice Questions
Preparation Chapter and Lessons
This is not a cramming-type test. While students are expected to have an understanding of the fundamental concepts of chemistry, most of the questions will involve organizing and interpreting information.
Hybrid Tests
Some of the tests involve general and subject questions. These are hybrid tests. GAT-Subject, and NAT are well known hybrid tests. For the preparation of General contents, you must select the general topics provided in the general sections.
Test Prep Lessons With Video Lessons and Explained MCQ
Large number of solved practice MCQ with explanations. Video Lessons and 10 Fully explained Grand/Full Tests.