

NUST NET is of many types. Its major types include:

  • NET Engineering
  • NET Business Studies and Social Sciences
  • Computer Science
  • BS Applied Biosciences
  • Bachelor of Architecture (B Arch) / Bachelor of Industrial Design (BID)
  • BS Mathematics
  • BS Physics

Video Lessons and Fully explained Test Prep

Large number of solved practice MCQ with explanations. Video Lessons and 10 Fully explained Grand/Full Tests.

Download Sample Papers or Past Papers of NET

NET is the NUST computer base test. Each test for different displine contains own downloads. Go to respective test to download past papers.

The sample or past papers of NET provided are based on interviews of past test takers. However; similar MCQs have been added to complete the sample paper.

NET General Rules

  • Candidates can appear in entry test more than once with the best score considered for the admission. However, in any one series only one attempt is allowed for a particular discipline.
  • NET is compiled from text books prescribed for HSSC courses. Candidates preparing for NET are advised to consult all relavent text books of various boards of education.
  • NET is conducted at three locations, that is Islamabad (NUST Campus), Karachi and Quetta.
  • At Islamabad the Test is conducted in computer-based format. In Karachi and Quetta it is in paper-based format conducted in April & July.

Test Date For Computer Base NET

  • Candidates of computer based test will have to choose Test Date and Session out of the available options.
  • Allocation of Test Date and Session will be made on ‘First Come First Served’ basis.
  • Candidates of computer based test will be allocated Roll Number, Test Centre, Test Session, Log-in ID and Password.

Test Date for Paper Base NET

For Paper Based Test at Karachi and Quetta in April and July, candidates will be informed through email regarding printing of Admit Card containing exact time and centre for Entry Test.

Note Candidates are required to print their Admit Cards and bring the same to the Test Centre along with original CNIC or a document with Photo ID such as Passport, original Matric / HSSC certificate, etc.
Admit Cards will be retained at the Test Centres for further verification.

Procedure of admission on the basis of NET

  • Visit https://ugadmissions.nust.edu.pk and get registered by providing valid e-mail address.
  • Candidate will be allotted a login ID and password to access the online application form.
  • Fill the online form, upload recent passport size photograph (with plain background), and submit the form.
  • Successful submission of form will be confirmed through an e-mail by NUST.
  • Candidates can appear more than once to improve their score. Best score will be picked by the system for merit generation.
  • Candidates can review their preference of choices after announcement of merit list. No application for change of preferences will be entertained thereafter.
  • Candidates will be required to confirm whether they want to stay in the allotted program or would like to be considered for up-gradation. The seats becoming available as a result of drop-outs will be re-allocated and filled through the up-gradation of candidates who have confirmed their willingness by depositing admission dues in time.
  • Closing merit of session 2015 for different programs will be available on the website for guidance

Fee Submission Guide

  1. Re-Login to your account and print Fee Invoice for depositing processing fee from My Account page.
  2. Candidates can deposit fee with any branch of HBL. Fee deposit will be verified through e-mail within 10 days of payment.
  3. Candidates failing to deposit admission dues within the given time will not be considered for admission any further.

Note: Misrepresentation of facts or false information will lead to cancellation of candidature/admission at any stage.

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You’ve probably heard the quote (originally credited to Alexander Graham Bell): Preparation is the key to success. When it comes to test taking, these are words to live by.

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