
Odd Man Out MCQ Set 6

Showing question 26 to 30 of total 44 MCQs

MCQ Set: 6

Solve the question on your notebook and check it by clicking (Answer and Explanation) below question.

Question No: 29

Choose the word which is not similar to the other words in the group.

  1. Peas
  2. Cabbage
  3. Spinach
  4. Tomato
  5. Potato

Question No: 30

Choose the word which is least like the other words in the group.

  1. Grenade
  2. Katana
  3. Shotgun
  4. Rifle
  5. Revolver

Question No: 26

Choose the word which is least like the other words in the group.

  1. Coconut
  2. Flax
  3. Castor
  4. Mustard Barley
  5. Barley

Question No: 27

Choose the word which is not similar to the other words in the group.

  1. Bonnet
  2. Fender
  3. Dashboard
  4. Hubcap
  5. Quay

Question No: 28

Choose the word which is least like the other words in the group.

  1. Timor
  2. India
  3. Rhodes
  4. Borneo
  5. Madagascar
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