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Compulsory Military Training College

  1. Introduction.
  2. Compulsory military training will build up a reserve force.
  3. Trained people can fight anti-social elements.
  4. This helps to enforce discipline.
  5. It is wrong to think that military training will divert the attention of the students.
  6. Conclusion.

Compulsory Military Training College

With the help of proper type of education it is possible to mould the character of the people according to the demands of the society. That is why education is given primary importance, whatever the form of the government may be. Stalin in Russia, Mao in China and Hitler in Germany made use of education for cultivating particular outlook. In order to make a country strong from the military point of view it is generally thought that the students at the college should be given compulsory military training so that they may be useful to the country at the time of need.

No country can afford to maintain a huge army because it involves heavy expenditures. That is why there is a tendency on the part of different government to keep a reserve force, quite familiar it’s the war but not regularly paid by the State. If the college boys and girls are giver military training they can help in defending the country if such an emergency arises. Otherwise also it is necessary for the people to have training in the use of arms because they can be of great help in fighting the anti-social element.

By imparting military training we will be able to enforce discipline in the colleges and the schools. Now a day, the purpose f education is frustrated because of the indiscipline among the students. It is possible to foster discipline because by imparting military training we will be observing military discipline. Disciplined students will be able to pay more attention to their studies than to the activities which do not help the nation.

Military training will indirectly make the students patriotic in their outlook. While taking training they start thinking of the .defense of their country so they feel more and more attached to their own nation. Some may think that patriotic feeling can be .developed even by imparting proper type of education but this is a mistaken view because till the person develops the feeling himself it is not possible to impose that feeling upon him.

Some people think that military education will make them like in their thinking. A trained person is more concerned with use of arms than the one who never got training. It is feared that the warlike tendencies among the people will be a greater danger to peace and prosperity Of the nation. This is also Pakistan’s view. Training in handling arms gives confidence and it does not make the sons warlike. Those who indulge in this type of thinking forget training is for teaching them skill to handle arms and not for making them warlike. They fear the armed rebellion, but it can be checked by making them patriotic in their outlook.

The government has not taken any set in this direction. N CC training is also national and it is not imparted in a proper manner. The camps which are organized by the universities and colleges are more for the sake of publicity than anything else. More over the services of the trained people are not utilized at any stage of their life.  In some of the universities science is one of the subjects. But that too is more or less theoretical. Pakistan may have to face India any time but at the same time she cannot afford to maintain a huge, army, so the only alternative is to maintain reserve force by training the young people in the country.