
Type of terrorism

Terrorism in one shape or the other, has been there ever since man started his journey on this planet, Might was right’ was also a type of terrorism in those days when man wandered al naked in the forest. First visible signs of modern terrorism are seen in the assassination of the heir to the Austria-Hungarian throne in 1914. In 1995 terrorist incidents covered USA and France in the West and Philippines and Saudi Arabia in the East. Why did terrorism spread so rapidly? It is because many people justified terrorist activities on one pretex or the other. Secondly, armaments and ammunition are readily and easily available. One thing is very strange that sometimes it is a hell of a job to differentiate freedom movements from terrorism. Tyrant regimes will never say that the upsurge of people’s movement against them is freedom movement and they will invariably brand it as terrorism. For the British any freedom movement was an act of terrorism. Give the dog a bad name and hang it. By branding freedom movements as acts of terrorism many oppressive and tyrant regimes unleashed reign of terror on the innocent people. Strangely enough the forces which are trying hard to curb terrorism today have been instrumental in the growth of terrorism themselves.