
Sentence Correction MCQ Set 1

Showing question 1 to 5 of total 113 MCQs

MCQ Set: 1

Solve the question on your notebook and check it by clicking (Answer and Explanation) below question.

Question No: 1

The administration discussed whether the number of students studying European languages was likely to decline when the senior lecturer retired.

  1. whether the number of students studying European languages was likely
  2. whether the number of students studying European languages were likely
  3. if the students studying European languages were likely
  4. if the number of European language students were likely
  5. whether the number of students studying European languages was liable

Question No: 2

The people of the ancient Assyrian Empire were renowned warriors, although they also crafted some of the best-preserved ancient art.

  1. were renowned warriors, although they also crafted
  2. had been renowned warriors, although they also crafted
  3. were renowned warriors, and also crafted
  4. was renowned warriors, although they also crafted
  5. were renowned warriors, but also crafting

Question No: 3

With the advent of YouTube, Facebook, and Flickr, many savvy political consultants undertook revolutionary micro-targeting and get-out-the-vote techniques that enabled political candidates with cash-strapped budgets to be able to reach numerous likely voters and succeed in raising large numbers of money from enthusiastic and committed supporters in a short period of time.

  1. cash-strapped budgets to be able to reach numerous likely voters and succeed in raising large numbers of money
  2. cash-strapped budgets to reach numerous likely voters and be successful in raising large amounts of money
  3. cash-strapped budgets to reach numerous likely voters, succeeding in raising large amounts of money
  4. cash-strapped budgets to reach numerous likely voters and succeed in raising large amounts of money
  5. cash-strapped budgets to be able to reach numerous likely voters and succeed in raising large amounts of money

Question No: 4

Among the litany of threats that many Israelis face, the potential for a nuclear-armed Iran is perhaps the more scary as this scenario could engulf the region in a violent war. This would likely result in historically unseen amounts of destruction, even for a region whose history is marred by perennial violence.

  1. perhaps the more
  2. perhaps the most
  3. possibly, perhaps the most
  4. possibly the greatest
  5. possibly the great

Question No: 5

It is highly desirable that you furnish evidence of your expenses before you submit your final accounts.

  1. It is highly desirable that you furnish evidence of your expenses
  2. It is highly desirable that you should furnish evidence of your expenses
  3. It is highly to be desired that you furnish evidences of your expenses
  4. You must furnish evidence of your expenses
  5. You should have to supply evidence of your expenses
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