
NTS GAT Introduction

Video Lesson on NTS GAT Introduction

Graduate Assessment Test GAT is the test required for admissions to nearly all M. Phil. and Ph. D programs in universities and research institutes, as well as a large number of jobs in Pakistan. The GAT is an important part of your application for two reasons.

First, it is probably the only element of your application that admissions or selection committees can use to objectively compare candidates. Things like work experience, extracurricular involvement, and even GPA are often seen as subjective elements of an applicant’s candidacy.

Second, the GAT is one of the few controllable aspects of your application. You can get a great GAT score with diligent preparation and practice.

The exam measures certain skills that the institutions of higher education care about, most notably Reasoning skills. It does not test any specific subject knowledge.

When is the GAT Given?

You can take the GAT scheduled test 4 times a year, or when a university announces the admission or an employer advertises a job. The exam is given in a paper-based format.

How Long is the GAT?

The GAT is 2 hours long.

What is Tested on the GAT?

The GAT consists of three separate sections, each with its own number of questions.

Section 1: Quantitative Ability

During Quantitative section you’ll answer 30 to 35 math questions (in 30 minutes), covering topics from algebra, geometry, statistics, and other areas. Quantitative questions come in two flavors, Problem Solving and Geometry; they test the same underlying skills but do so in different ways, so you’ll want to learn the strategies for dealing with each type.

Section 2: Verbal Ability

During Verbal Ability section you’ll answer 35 to 50 questions depending upon your category. These questions focus on English Grammar (Sentence Correction), Analogies, Antonyms, Synonyms, Reading Comprehension, and Sentence Completion. Sentence Correction questions ask you to pick the sentence that is grammatically correct and has a clear, logical meaning. Reading Comprehension begins with a passage to read, accompanied by a series of questions to answer. The remaining question type focuses mainly on English vocabulary and logical relationship between the words and their usage.

Section 3: Analytical Reasoning

Analytical Reasoning section consisting of 20 to 30 questions depending upon your category. These questions come in two flavors:

First; Logical Reasoning sections assess your ability to analyze and evaluate arguments. Not only will you have to determine whether arguments are strong or weak, but you'll also have to understand precisely what causes that strength or weakness.

Second; The Analytical Reasoning section assesses your skills in basic logic, including deductive reasoning and finding structure within organized data. Some of the questions require matching skills, others require sequencing skills, and still, others will require both.

Your GMAT Score Report

Your score report will be sent to your email address you have provided while registering for GAT with in roughly a week.

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