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During Your Interview

Be open and honest.

As with the personal essays, you’ll get creamed if you keep asking yourself "What do they want me to say?" You’ll come across as a more genuine and attractive candidate if, instead of searching for the "right" answer, you respond with the answer that is right for you.

Follow proper business decorum.

If you were going on a job interview, wouldn’t you:

  • Be on time?
  • Find out what attire was appropriate, and dress accordingly?
  • Follow up with a thank you letter?

Of course you would. Well, this is the same deal.

  • Steady eye contact.
  • Good posture.
  • Sustained positive energy.
  • No fidgeting!
Be courteous to everyone at the school.

How you treat the colleagues of the admissions committee – the support staff, receptionist, etc. – can have an impact on your admission.

Be ready for the single most often asked question.

"Do you have any questions for me?"

This is one you can hit out of the park, yet most interviewees lamely respond, "Uh…not really." Be ready to ask something relevant and of interest to you, something not answered in the catalogue, something that will make the interviewer think and will impress him/her with your intellectual acuity. Some examples:

  • How has the business school changed in the X years you’ve been here?
  • What changes do you anticipate in the next few years?
  • Are there any professors you would definitely recommend to me?
  • How is the faculty dealing with or responding to [some current business trend or economic issue; make sure it’s not too controversial]

Interviews are naturally stressful, but if you are well-prepared you can enhance your prospects for admission, learn more about the school, and have some fun in the process.