
Lesson: Intermediate Problem Solving - 03

Elimination Through Estimation

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In the Problem Solving Basics Workshop, we reviewed Picking Numbers and Backsolving, two valuable 'backdoor' strategies to use when the traditional math approach escapes you, or when it promises to save you some time and effort. Estimation is similar in that it offers an alternative to the traditional route. When the math necessary to solve a problem requires a good deal of calculation time (and you don't have any to spare!) or if you're stuck on a certain concept or formula, try estimating your way to the correct answer. Estimating works especially well on questions that test one of the following content areas:

Geometry Questions: Estimating or 'eyeballing' relative measurements may allow you to eliminate answer choices that are too large or too small to be correct. (But remember, this doesn't apply to Data Sufficiency geometry!)

Ratio Questions: Comparing rough estimates of a ratio's 'parts' may allow you to establish a logical range for the correct answer. You can then guess strategically by eliminating answers outside of this range.

Rate Questions: Estimating rates, particularly on combined rate problems, may also allow you to establish a logical range for the correct answer, and thus eliminate answers outside that range.

Let's take a look at our first content area — geometry.

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