
Lesson: Intermediate Problem Solving - 10

The "Which Of The Following" Question

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Take a look at the wording in the question below. It's asking us which one of five answer choices is correct. Any test taker's usual impulse would be to tackle the question stem, and then move on to the answer choices, starting with Choice (A) and ending with Choice (E).

If x is an even integer and y is an odd integer, which of the following is an odd integer?

What's wrong with going down the choices? If you've figured out the answer and are simply scanning the list to find it, nothing! But what if you're eliminating choices? If you start at the top, it will take you longer to find the right answer if it happens to be Choice (D) or (E). Which means it's useful to know that:

Testmakers make Choice (D) or (E) the correct answer to a "Which of the following…" question slightly more often than would be expected by random occurrence.

That penalizes the test taker who starts at (A) and works down! What then, can we infer about the best strategy for handling this type of question?
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