
Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education - Multan

Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Multan was established on 30th March 1968. It is located at Golbagh Gulgasht Multan. Presently, Multan, Khanewal, Vehari, and Lodhran Districts are in its jurisdiction. The students belonging to these areas have to apply for their Matric or Intermediate level examinations to BISE Multan. The sole responsibility of the board is to administer the examination on systematic, unbiased, and transparent grounds.

BISE Multan Roll Number Slip, Date Sheets, Results, and Past Papers (Matric and Inter)

Roll No Slips
Roll Number slips of all exams of BISE MULTAN. The Roll number is issued to the applicats on aspecified date. In case you do not receive ....
Roll No slips
Date Sheet
Download the Date Sheets of all exams of BISE MULTAN in pdf format. Immediate and easily downlaodable. The Date sheet is uploaded immediately..
Date Sheet
Find the result of a candidate of BISE MULTAN exams by roll numbers. Just insert your roll no and find the summary of result immediately.

Past Papers

Download the past papers of BISE MULTAN in pdf format. Fast speed download. more about Past Papers

The sole purpose of all documents and information provided here is to update students for the sake of help. Any error or omission is inevitable. The student must contact the relevant board's office for further and confirmed information.

BISE - Multan

The highest proportion of students take 10th class examination each year. This fact is reflected by a larger number of applications for 9th, 10th, and Intermediate examination from BISE Multan. The number of applicants is increasing every year with the lightening of education in Khanewal, Vehari, and Lodhran districts.
With the advent of Information technology the board offers high tech in services to the students. Online date sheet, roll no slip, and result make accessibility easy to the students and parents.
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