
Odd Man Out MCQ Set 8

Showing question 36 to 40 of total 44 MCQs

MCQ Set: 8

Solve the question on your notebook and check it by clicking (Answer and Explanation) below question.

Question No: 36

Pick the odd one out

  1. 671
  2. 352
  3. 211
  4. 561

Question No: 37

Pick the odd one out.

  1. D : W
  2. F : U
  3. A : Z
  4. G : T
  5. B : Y

Question No: 38

Pick the odd one out.

  1. 857 : 21
  2. 259 : 16
  3. 718 : 16
  4. 679 : 22
  5. 397 : 19

Question No: 39

Pick the odd one out.

  1. 19 : 380
  2. 15 : 240
  3. 25 : 650
  4. 13 : 182
  5. 10 : 100

Question No: 40

Pick the odd one out.

  1. Dog : Kennels
  2. Rabbit : Burrows
  3. Lion : Den
  4. Spider : Spider-Web
  5. Hen : Coops
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