
ISSB - Call Instructions and Arrival

Call-up Instructions are issued to each candidate by the concerned I.S.S.B. who has qualified in the Preliminary Interview written test and is declard medically fit. The candidateshould comply with these instructions and present himself at the indicated center and meeting place (the Railway Station in the town) at representative of the Selection Board, who takes them to the I.S.S.B. in a military transport. Since the preliminaries at the Board start immediately on arrival of the candidates and as a candidate is not normally accepted for the batch until the chest numbers are finally allotted, it is important for the candidate to be present punctually at the appoint meeting place.

Allotment of Chest Number

On arrival at the Board, a roll call is taken and Chest Numbers are allotted to the candidates who have reported for testing. The chest number facilitates easy and quick identification and recognition of the candidate during the tests. Besides, it is extremely convenient to all concerned, as often it is difficult to remember the several lengthy and unfamiliar names.

President's Opening Address

Before the commencement of the tests, the president of the Selection Board or his representative usually addresses all the candidates. The testing procedure and programme will be briefly explained to the candidates in the course of this adress. The candidates must make a special note of the DO'S and DON'T'S which may be emphasized in his initial talk. In particular they should not trespass into the 'Out of Bounds' areas.

Filling up of the Board's Questionnaire

Soon after the President's opening address is over, each candidate is required to fill-up a Questionnaire proforma, giving in clear terms his antecedents until the time of his appearance before the Board. A specimen copy of the normal type questionnaire is shown in following section. The candidate is advised to exercise proper care in filling up this questionnaire proforma as the information given herein provides the initial topics for discussion at the interview. The particulars furnished should be accurate, complete and comprehensive and special attention should be paid to the following.

  • Extra-curricular Acttivities
  • Games and Sports you play or are interested in
  • Books you have read like best
  • Newspapers, periodicals and journals you normally read
  • Your hobbies and interests
  • Record of Service if any
  • Academic Distinctions
  • Social Activities
  • Self description and self appraisal
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