
ISSB - Psychology Tasks

Psychological tasks are written exercises. Here the examiner evaluates the candadates, only by interpreting his written answers and not by personal observation. Secondly, the time factor is extremely important in psychological tasks. The candidate is given definite and fixed time limit to write his solutions. Correct understanding of the problem and good observation will help the candidate to do well in these tasks. Therefore, he must pay raptattention to the instructor conducting the tests, listen attentively to his illustrations and thoroughly grasp the nature of problems should be attempted first. The candidate can skip through the easier questions. This would help him to score more marks. Lastly, the candidate should remember that the answer are either right or wrong. In other words there is no middle way and he does not get any marks for wrong answer. He must therefore endeavor to be accurate and correct in his answer. It is thus very important that easier and known problems are dealt with correctly in the first instance to score the maximum possible marks.

The Psychological tasks can divided into two broad categories as

1. Intelligence Tests

Psychologist judges the personality traits of the candidate. Intelligence Tests consisting of:

  1. Verbal Tests
  2. Non-Verbal Tests
more about Intelligence Tests

2. Projective Personality Tests

Since the report and evaluation of the Psychologist is primarily based on the individual's performance in the projective personality tests, the candidate should pay particular attention to them, irrespective of his performance in the intelligence tests. Projective Personality Tests consisting of:

  1. Word Association
  2. Thematic Apperception (Story-writing)
  3. Psychological Situational Test (Story of Theo or Mr.'X' )
Projective Personality Tests
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