
Offences Against Public Tranquility

The questions related to Offences Against Public Tranquility have been displayed in the following section. You can find the answer of each question.

Questions About: Offences Against Public Tranquility

Q. What is unlawful assembly? When it becomes riot? Discuss. OR
Q. Define unlawful assembly. Who can be said to be a member of an unlawful assembly? What punishment is provided for being a member of unlawful assembly?
Q. Define and distinguish between Rioting and Affray. What punishments are provided for these offences?
Q.(a) When a member of an unlawful assembly commits an offence in prosecution of the common object of the assembly, how does it affect other members of the assembly? Discuss with example.
Q.(a) Define and explain common intention and common object. Is there any difference between the two? Explain
Q. What is the principle of ‘Constructive liability’, Distinguish between ‘Common Object’ and ‘Common Intention’?
Q.(b) Under what circumstances can a person be held guilty of an offence, even if he has not committed it himself.
Q.a; Distinguish between:
1. Riot and wagging war.
2. .Affray and assault.
3. Riot and unlawful assembly.
Q.(b) Can a member of unlawful assembly be punished for every offence, which is committed by one of its members?

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