
Offence Against Property

The questions related to Offence Against Property have been displayed in the following section. You can find the answer of each question.

Questions About: Offence Against Property

Define theft and Extortion . What Punishment is provided for the offences?
Define theft and distinguish it from misappropriation.
What is the difference between theft and Criminal Misappropriation.
Distinguish between: 1. Theft and Extortion.
2. Theft and Robbery.
3. Extortion and Robbery.
4. Extortion, theft, robbery and dacoity.
5. Extortion, theft, dacoity.
6. Robbery and dacoity.
Discuss fully the provision relating under P.P.C. o the offence of robbery and dacoity explaining the distinction between two.
What is Hijacking? What punishments are provided under PPC for it?
Explain criminal misappropriation distinguish it from theft.
What is the difference between Theft and Criminal misappropriation?
Define and distinguish between criminal breach of trust and criminal misappropriation.
Define criminal breach of trust and distinguish it from misappropriation of property and cheating.
Define criminal breaches of trust distinguish from theft.
Define stolen property. What punishment is provided for dishonestly receiving stolen property?
What are the ingredients of the offence of cheating? How does it differ from breach of trust, extortion theft and misappropriation?
Explain the law relating to fraudulent deeds and disposition.
What is mischief? What punishment is provided for this offence?
Explain “lurking house trespass”, “trespass” and. “house breaking”. OR Define following:
I. Criminal trespass
2. House trespass.
3. Lurking house trespass by night
4. Flouse breaking.
5. House breaking by night
Define and discuss house breaking, house trespass and criminal trespass.
Define trespass. What punishment is provided for this offence.
What are the different kinds of offence against property?

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