
General Exceptions

The questions related to General Exceptions have been displayed in the following section. You can find the answer of each question.

Questions About: General Exceptions

Q. When a person is accused of an offence the burden of proof is on the prosecution. What are the e5ceptions to this rule?
Q. What is the principle underlying benefit of exceptions provided in the Pakistan Penal Code?
Q. What do you understand by General Exceptions? Enumerate some of them.
Q. What are the guiding principles to have benefit from the General Exceptions of PPC? div>
Q. (a) when the rights of private defense of property start and till what time it continues?
Q. (b) what are the restrictions imposed upon the use of force in self-defence under PPC?
Q. When right of private defence of a person or property extended to cause death?
Q. Under what circumstance can a man cause death in the exercise of the right of private defence of body?
Q.(a) Define consent. State how far consent can be pleaded as a justification for committing a crime? Illustrate your answer.
Q.(b) In what circumstances a child above seven and under twelve can be taken to have committed a crime? Explain with illustration.
Q.(c) In what circumstances a child above seven and under twelve can be taken to have committed a crime? Explain with illustration.
Q.(a) In what cases will a plea of compulsion or necessity is a sufficient defence against a charge of criminal offence?
Q.(b) Explain and illustrate the proposition that the mistake of fact is good defence while mistake of law is no defence in the Pakistan Penal Code.

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