
Lesson: Sentence Correction Challenging - 09

Avoid The Passive Voice

[Page 9 of 26]

Another frequently tested grammatical error is unnecessary use of the passive voice. It's a good idea to become familiar with this type of error; it appears quite often in the answer choices of sentence correction questions.

As a reminder, the passive voice is in use when the action of the sentence is performed on the subject. The active voice is in use when the subject itself performs the action.


Active: Allison (subject) went (action) to the store to buy a cake (object).
Passive: The cake (subject) was bought (action) by Allison (object).

It's easy to spot the passive voice by looking for the verb form "to be" accompanied by another verb in the past tense (like "was bought" above). Sometimes the passive voice is necessary because the subject of the action just isn't known. When it's not necessary, the passive voice is not good usage.

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