
Lesson: Text Completion - 01

Complex Text Completions Key facts

What is Tested

  1. Your ability to understand the intended meaning of a sentence or paragraph
  2. Your ability to distinguish between a paragraph that is cohesive and coherent and one that lacks these qualities
  3. Your ability to recognize and distinguish between proper and improper word usage and idiom
  4. Your ability to recognize and distinguish between a clear and unclear written expression

During the computerized , test directions similar to the following will appear above a Complex Text Completion test item:

Directions: Select one entry from each column to fill in the corresponding blanks in the text. Fill in the blanks in a way that provides the best completion for the text.

Other Key Facts

  1. A Complex Text Completion involves one to five sentences containing two to three blanks all together.
  2. You’ll fill in blanks with either single words or brief phrases.
  3. The primary emphasis is on idiom, sense, and paragraph structure, not on vocabulary.
  4. You complete each blank independently of the other blank(s).
  5. You must choose the best completion for all blanks in a question to earn credit for a correct response; no partial credit is awarded.
  6. ?The best choice will make for an excellent sentence or paragraph that’s cohesive, rhetorically effective, and correct in grammar, diction, and idiom.

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